Cubecart custom category order

So I developed another new mod for cubecart, this one allows you to sort out your categories in cubecart the way you want without staying with the normal sort by name or id as seen in other mods. This mod only modifies 3 files and installs one column “pos” to your database to do the ordering. Remember to back up your database and files before attempting any modification on your original files. To download this file click on the link below.

Custom category ordering 1.0

custom_category_order_1.3 (updated for manual ordering)

11 thoughts on “Cubecart custom category order”

  1. How can i order my categories in cubecart v4?
    Can i use this mod somehow?

    (can’t find the file “admin/categories/index.php” anymore)

    Thank you!

  2. Brilliant work – Worked first time and very straight forward.

    Many many thanks for your work.

  3. I’m not a whizz with cube cart to say the least but even I could follow the simple find/replace/add instructions.

    This works a treat, and its free, very well done!!


  4. Abigail just go to the cat page in admin and it should install the column pos as you can see in this line of text

    $result = @mysql_query(“ALTER TABLE “.$glob[‘dbprefix’].”CubeCart_category ADD pos INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’”);

  5. This broke a cart I’m working on, here is what the error reads:
    MySQL Error Occured
    1054: Unknown column ‘pos’ in ‘order clause’

    QUERY = SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id = 0 ORDER by pos

    I will appreciate any advise

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